The one thing anyone who pays attention to search engine rankings is that Google giveth and Google taketh away. It’s true that trying to understand Google’s search engine algorithm might as well be (and is) a full-time job for some people. But when something big comes along that will change the way your website ranks with the search engine, you should pay attention.
Author Rank is the much anticipated new way Google will start to weight the authorship of content in addition to the actual content. Basically, the idea is that knowing the content is one thing but if Google could also determine it was coming from a trusted source, it can show that link first. Author Rank isn’t meant to replace the current Google method of determining good search results. Instead it will add to what’s already there.
One thing to note is that Author Rank is much talked about and speculated about but it’s not in effect yet. There is no set start date and by the time Google announces it, it will probably already be in effect. So now is the time to start thinking about the benefits you’ll reap based on its implementation.
Google Athor Rank
How Your Brand Can Benefit From Author Rank
The primary benefit of Google Author Rank is that people who write killer content will automatically receive a boost to the content they’ve written for the web. It’s a circular process. Content that makes it to the top of the search rankings will be connected to other content through the author, raising their ranks as well.
But secondary benefits are tied in with Authorship, which is the tool through which Author Rank will be facilitated. Authorship is a way you can connect your Google Plus account to your content across the Internet. Once you do this, your face and full name show up in the search results along with a clickable link to your Google Plus account.
Search results with faces and recognizable names are more likely to be clicked than naked links. This is true whether your listings appear on the first page or the 17th page. Google has also confirmed that those who use Authorship will receive bonus links. If someone clicks one of your links, reads through the article, and clicks the back link, they will see a new link saying “More from So and So” with three new results underneath.
So, just to recap, you get higher search engine rankings, you get more clicks regardless of where you fall in the rankings, and you get more links on the page when users click on your existing links.
If that doesn’t sound good to you, you should get your ears checked. And if does, you should get started.
How to Get Started with Author Rank
The first step to preparing for Google Author Rank is to start using Google Authorship. First you need a Google Plus account. If you have a Gmail account, you probably already have one. And if you don’t, you get one here. Remember that you don’t have to be active on Google Plus to benefit from Authorship but you have to at least fill out your profile.
Next add the email address from that website domain to your Google Plus account. Just open Google Plus and click “Profile” on the left side of the screen. Click “Edit Profile.” About midway down the page is the section for email addresses. Click that and it will open up for editing. Add the email address in question. Click “Save.”
While you’re there, add that website to your list of places you contribute to. Scroll down near the end of the page to the Contributor To section. Click it to edit it and add the website name and link. Click “Save.”
Next, you should link back to your Google profile from your content. Add the following link to the header of your website: <a href=”[YOUR PROFILE URL]?rel=author”>Google</a> You can find your profile URL by opening your Google Plus account and clicking “profile” on the left side of the screen. Then copy and paste the URL into that code.
Finally, when you’re all done, it’s time to make sure it’s working. Go to the Google Structured Data Tool and enter your information to check if the rich snippets are in place. If they aren’t, go back through your process to check where you could have made a mistake. If they are, that’s great! You’re one step closer to being prepared for the adoption of Google Author Rank.
Google Author Rank Isn’t the Magic Bullet You’re Looking For
Right about now you may be thinking “Great! Google Author Rank is an easy way for me to finally get to the top of search engine results.” Hold your horses, though. It’s just not that simple.
There are no shortcuts in search engine optimization. There is no switch you can flip, plugin you can install, or person you can pay to dominate search results–at least not for good. Even if you manage to game your way to the top, Google will continue to evolve its methods to slap the cheaters and spammers back down. It’s a never-ending battle to stay on top. Only by creating amazing relevant content and working within the confines of good search engine optimization guidelines can you expect to see real, sustainable improvement.
While Google Author Rank is a smart way to take advantage of the tools and resources available to you, it’s not a quick fix. Remember that Author Rank will be just one factor of many. You still have to publish content worth reading and you still have to structure your website in a way that makes it accessible to search engines.
In other words, you still have to put in the work that comes with an optimized website. But at least if you understand and start preparing for Google Author Rank today, you’ll have a leg up on the process.