What I Would Like to See in Kindle Fire 2

There have been plenty of Kindle Fire 2 rumors, but personally there are a few things that I would LOVE to see.

The Default Android

Seriously, the Amazon Kindle’s restrictions that force you to go through their own app store are annoying as hell, and there purely for their own profit.

Amazon needs to drop this and favor a less ‘modified’ android.

While I do understand why Amazon wants to snare you in to buying eBooks from their store, plenty of companies have proven how sectioning yourself off in the age of the global world is a sure fire way to destroy your business in the long run.


Swype is amazing.  Cant get more simple than that.  I would use the Amazon Kindle Fire more if I didn’t have to use the slow as hell peck and tap keyboard.

Swype would be the perfect addition to this eReader.

More Responsive

A pretty big issue I have with the Kindle Fire is it’s slow touch screen response time.  It means that if  use the Fire for anything more than eBook reading, I find myself suffering from a lot of ‘mistakes’ thanks to a screen which doesn’t always recognize my touch.

If Amazon decide to upgrade their tablet, the Kindle FIre will need a much more responsive screen.

Higher Resolution

This s far from the biggest of problems on the Kindle Fire, but sometimes things do look a little pixelated.  Even a slight improvement on the screen resolution would be much appreciated.

So will I buy the Kindle Fire 2 if it solves all these problems?

Probably not, I rarely use my tablet, and when I do it is either to read books or watch movies. All of what I said above though would build a much better user experience for Kindle Fire users!